What Type of Water Do Goldfish Need?

kid looking at a goldfish in a bowl

Goldfish need clean freshwater that is free from pollutants, toxins, and bacteria that can harm them and cause sickness. The water temperature should be maintained between 68°F-72°F and it should be filtered to remove debris and waste. If you want to learn more about the water requirements for goldfish, we have got you covered with everything you need to know.  Below we cover everything you need to know about – What Water Does Goldfish Need.

What Water Does Goldfish Need?

Choosing the right type of water and maintaining its quality is vital for the health and longevity of a goldfish. After all, it spends all day swimming around in a little bowl of water. In the wild, goldfish live in freshwater streams and bodies of flowing water. If you want your goldfish to thrive, you need to recreate these conditions in your home.

two goldfish in a goldfish bowl

To protect your goldfish and provide the best possible living conditions you need to choose the correct type of water, maintain a comfortable temperature, and keep the water clean to remove pollutants and debris. Below, we run through everything you need to know about – what water does a goldfish need?

Source Water: Tap, Bottled, Purified, or Distilled Water?

First up, you need to choose the correct type of water. Many people choose tap water for their fish tanks and aquariums. However, this is not an ideal source of water for goldfish. Tap water contains many added chemicals such as chlorine and chloramine that can harm goldfish. If you choose to use tap water you need to remove these chemicals before adding them to your fish tank or fish bowl.

A water conditioner can be used to remove these harmful chemicals and make the water suitable for housing goldfish. Other options include purified water or bottled spring water. These water sources are often chemical-free, have a suitable pH, and a healthy mineral content. Note, distilled water is unsuitable for goldfish as it contains nutrients and minerals needed for healthy development.

Water Chemistry: The Role of pH & Water Hardness

When choosing the best water for a goldfish you need to consider water chemistry. And, in particular, pH and water hardness. Goldfish need water with a pH in the range of 7.0 and 8.4. If you want your goldfish to be healthy, you need to check the pH level and make adjustments as necessary.

child looking at a goldfish in a bowl

Also, water hardness plays a key role and needs to be monitored. Goldfish are best suited to moderately hard water with a mineral content of between 150-300 ppm. Water hardness helps the fish maintain healthy scales and fins. And, soft water can lead to health issues and infections. Test kits can be used to monitor both pH and hardness and adjustments can be made by adding additives to optimize water conditions.

Water Temperature: How to Maintain Optimal Temperature

Water temperature is critical when it comes to creating a healthy and comfortable living environment for goldfish. In the wild, goldfish live in cold water environments. And, to recreate this you should aim for a water temperature between 68°F-72°F. This is equivalent to 20°C-22°C.

If the water is too warm it will reduce oxygen levels and promote the growth of harmful bacteria. And, if it is too cold it will inhibit the fish’s metabolism and trigger health problems. For goldfish to thrive, you should avoid temperature fluctuations and maintain a stable temperature of 68°F-72°F.

The best way to achieve this is to use a good quality aquarium heater that will monitor water temperature and make temperature adjustments as and when needed. Check the water temperature periodically using a thermometer to ensure the heater is working properly and the water temperature is within range.

Water Filtration: Keeping the Water Clean

One of the most important tasks in providing the best water possible for a goldfish is water filtration. Installing a good filtration system will keep the water clean and fresh. Harmful pollutants, toxins, and debris are removed from the tank water as it is circulated through the water filters.

man holding a goldfish in a glass of water

There are many different types of fish tank filters on the market. Our advice is to choose a filtration system that can handle twice the water volume of your fish tank. And, to keep it in good working order – make sure you replace the filters as they approach the end of their life cycle. The most popular types of water filters used for goldfish are canister filters, sponge filters, and power filters.

Changing the Water: Replacing With Fresh Water

Regular water changes are an essential part of ensuring goldfish water care. Although filters will remove much of the built-up water debris – you’ll still need to perform a water change once per week. What water does goldfish need? They need clean, fresh water and this is where water changing comes into play.

Every week you need to replace 10-20% of the water in the tank with fresh, clean water. If you have a 10-liter tank you’ll need to remove 1-2 liters of water and replace this with an equal amount of fresh water. Regular changes are a great way of keeping your goldfish comfortable, healthy, and happy.


Other Tips for Maintaining Good Goldfish Water Quality

Here’s a list of some of the most common problems and what you need to do to avoid them. These tips will help your goldfish colony avoid stress and illness and prevent you from encountering the most frequently encountered pitfalls.

water pouring into a pool of water

Avoid Overfeeding

Do not overfeed your goldfish. Overfeeding leads to increased water waste and ammonia levels that will impact your fish’s health.

Avoid Adding Too Many Goldfish

Overcrowding a fish tank with too many fish will mean they produce more waste than the filtration system can handle. Pay attention to the manufacturer’s guidelines for how many goldfish your tank and filtration system can handle.

Regularly Monitor Water

If you want your goldfish to thrive you should regularly monitor the key parameters mentioned above, including temperature, pH, hardness, and ammonia & nitrite levels. Make adjustments as necessary to ensure a comfortable living environment for the fish.


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How Much Water Does It Take to Grow an Almond?

almond nuts in a bowl

How much water do almond trees need? It takes approximately one gallon of water to grow one almond. The amount of water needed to grow an almond will vary based on climate, soil type, and irrigation methods.  In general, it takes a gallon of water to grow one single almond. Below we cover everything you need to know about – how much water does it take to grow an almond?

Do Almonds Take a Lot of Water to Grow?

Ever wondered, how much water to grow an almond?  Well, almonds take a lot of water to grow. The general rule of thumb is that it takes a gallon of water to produce a single almond.

Almond trees require a lot of water to grow and bear almond nuts. Most almonds are grown in California and the Almond Board of California state it takes 1.1 gallons of water to produce a single almond in the region.

flow of water

Responsible water management is key to the efficient farming of almonds. Almond farmers in California use a range of irrigation techniques to deliver water to their almond trees. These methods include the use of micro-sprinklers and drip irrigation. They have also developed the use of soil moisture sensors and weather data analysis to boost water use efficiency.

What Nuts Take the Most Water to Grow?

Now you know – how much water does it take to grow an almond – you’ll never look at an almond again in the same way. They are certified water guzzlers. But, how about other nuts? Is it just almonds that consume so much water? And, how do they compare to our other favorite nut snacks? Let’s take a look.

lady smiling and making a hand gesture

The amount of water it takes to grow a nut will vary depending on climate, soil quality, and irrigation practices. However, here are some general guidelines for how much water it takes to grow other nuts.

Gallons to Produce 1 Single Nut

  • Walnut 4.9 Gallons
  • Pecan 4.9 Gallons
  • Almond 1.1 Gallons
  • Cashew 1 Gallon
  • Pistachio 0.75 Gallon
  • Peanut 0.2 Gallon

Why Do Almonds Need So Much Water?

Why do almonds need so much water to grow? Almonds are a water-intensive crop that needs a lot of water to grow and bear nuts. The main reason almonds need so much water is due to the climate the crop is grown in. Almonds are grown in regions that experience warm Mediterranean climates. And, these areas experience long hot summers and mild winters with little rainfall.

almond nuts in a box after harvest

These are challenging conditions for a crop to grow and flourish. This requires the addition of lots of water to maintain a healthy crop. Additionally, almonds are grown on trees. And, trees need lots of water. They need water for the leaves and fruit. But, they also need water for their extensive deep root system. Tree crops tend to require much more water compared to vegetable crops.

Where In the World Are Almonds Grown?

Almonds are grown all over the world but the top five producers are the United States, Spain, Australia, Iran, and Italy. California in the US is the largest producer of almonds in the world and accounts for 80% of global production. Spain is the second largest producer coming in at 10%.

image of planet earth from space

In Australia almond tree water consumption is a hot topic.  Production is centered around the South Australia and Victoria regions. In Iran, most almond production takes place in northeastern areas of the country. And, in Italy Sicily and Apulia account for the lion’s share of production.

Other countries where almonds are farmed include China, Morocco, Turkey, Greece, Portugal, and Israel. Each of these countries has a suitable climate for cultivating almond trees.

Do Almonds Have High Water Content?

No, almonds do not have a high water content. Almonds are a low-moisture food and have a water content of just 4-6%. Considering how much water it takes to grow an almond they are a surprisingly dry food. And, it is this low water content that allows almonds to be stored for long periods without deteriorating. You might ask yourself the question – where does all the water go?


Are Almonds a Sustainable Crop?

What about sustainability?  We’ve covered how much water to grow almonds – but are almonds a sustainable food source considering how much water they take to grow? The crop takes approximately 1,900 gallons of water to produce just one pound of almonds. This has led to concerns that they are not a sustainable crop.

lady making a hand gesture and smiling

With droughts and water shortages becoming more commonplace – almond farming is a cause for concern. Can farmers justify consuming such large volumes of water to produce such a small yield of almonds? The debate is hotly contested, with many vested interests. And, it will take time to play out and establish an honest answer.

What is Almond Milk?

Almond milk is a non-dairy alternative to regular milk. It is a plant-based milk made by blending soaked almonds with water and straining the mixture to remove solids. It has a distinctive creamy and nutty taste. Almond milk tastes great when added to coffee, especially iced coffee and latte.

It is lactose-free and is a popular alternative to cow’s milk. And, it has a lower fat and calorie content and is a natural source of vitamin E. However, it is lower in protein and micronutrients compared to cow’s milk.  Surprising, when you consider how much water does it take to grow one almond.


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How Long Before Bedtime Should You Stop Drinking Water?

woman asleep in bed

When’s the best time to stop drinking water before bedtime? You should stop drinking water 2 hours before bedtime. This allows your body time to pass the liquid before going to bed and having to disrupt your sleep for a toilet break during the night. Below we take a closer look at how long before bedtime should you stop drinking water.

How Many Hours Before Bedtime Should You Stop Drinking Water?

If you want to avoid disrupted sleep and a trip to the bathroom during the night you should stop drinking water 2 hours before bedtime. This applies to water and any other fluids such as tea, juice, or soft drinks. A 2-hour window gives your body time to process the liquids and pass them before you go to bed. And, this means you won’t have to get up during the night to go for a pee.

woman holding a glass of water

If you want to get a good night’s sleep that is not interrupted by a toilet break – aim to stop drinking liquids 2 hours before you go to bed. You can always leave a glass of water on your bedside locker if you wake up during the night and need to take a sip. This way you give yourself the best chance of sleeping through the night without having to take a trip to the bathroom.

What Happens If You Drink Water Right Before Bed?

If you drink water right before bed you increase the chance you will have to use the bathroom during the night. The water you drink will pass from your stomach to your kidneys, and finally to your bladder. Once the water reaches your bladder it creates an urge to urinate. If this happens you run the risk of disrupted sleep as the urge to take a pee will wake you up.

man sleeping in bed

If you want to avoid waking up for a pee during the night you should avoid drinking water close to bedtime. But, how long before bedtime should you stop drinking water? Two hours is best. Allow a two-hour window of no fluids before you go to bed and you should sleep through the night without having to wake up and visit the bathroom.

Waking up during the night leads to a fragmented sleep pattern. This reduces the quality of your sleep and can leave you feeling tired in the morning. Additionally, drinking water right before bedtime can cause heartburn or reflux. This happens when stomach acid travels from the stomach back up towards the mouth and causes a burning sensation and discomfort.

What Is Nocturia?

Nocturia is the name given to the condition where a person has to wake up during the night to take a pee. It is a very common problem, especially in adults, older individuals, and affects both men and women. Nocturia results in a fragmented sleep pattern, poor sleep quality, and daytime fatigue.

night sky with full moon

Nocturia is often the result of aging but can also be caused by diabetes, urinary tract infections, kidney disease, or simply by drinking water too close to bedtime. The condition is treated by reducing fluid intake before bedtime, adjusting medications, and simple bladder training exercises.


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Water Cooler Chat Tips

How Much Water Should You Drink Before Bed?

You should avoid drinking any water in the approach to bedtime. In fact, you should avoid any liquids for at least 2 hours before going to bed. This gives you the best chance of sleeping through the night without experiencing nocturia. If you drink water before bed you increase the chances of waking up during the night with an urge to pee.

ionized water in a glass

However, you should listen to your body. If you feel dehydrated or thirsty you should sip a little water before bedtime. Try and keep the volume to a minimum. You can always leave a glass of water next to the bed. That way if thirst is affecting your sleep you can reach for a quenching swig during the night.

How Long Before Bedtime Should You Stop Drinking Water FAQ

lady making a hand gesture and smiling

Is it okay to drink water before bed?

You should try and avoid drinking water before going to bed. Drinking water before bedtime increases the chances you will have to visit the bathroom during the night and disrupt your sleeping pattern.

Is drinking water before bed good for sleep?

No, drinking water before bed is not good for sleep. It can cause a condition known as Nocturia – whereby you wake up during the night with an urge to pee. If you feel thirsty you should sip just a little water to quench your thirst and leave a glass of water next to the bed if you need it during the night.

Does drinking water before bed affect your bladder?

Yes, drinking water before bedtime affects your bladder. When you drink water it first travels to your stomach, then your kidneys, and finally to your bladder. Once the water begins to accumulate in your bladder you begin to feel an urge to urinate.

How much water should you drink before bedtime?

The best advice is to drink as little water as possible before bedtime. If you need to quench a thirst sip just a small amount of water. And, if you can, avoid drinking water for 2 hours before you go to bed.



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How Much Water Evaporates From a Pool?

swimming pool at sunset

Between 1/4 inch to 1 inch of water evaporates from a pool every day. The amount of water that evaporates is affected by air temperature, exposure to sunlight, wind speed, humidity, and the size of the pool. This article covers everything you need to know about how much water evaporates from a pool.

Does Pool Water Evaporate?

How Does It Evaporate?

Pool Water Evaporation Rate

How Much Evaporation Is Normal?

How to Stop Water Evaporating

Is it Evaporation or a Leak?


people playing in a pool

Yes, pool water evaporates. Pool water evaporates due to its exposure to heat and wind. Water evaporates more quickly from pools in hot and dry weather conditions. Pools located in hot dry climates with plenty of sunshine will experience the most evaporation. However, wind plays a significant role too, see below.


As water molecules in pool water absorb heat from the sun they become energized and begin to vibrate. These energetic water molecules change from liquid form to gas. The gas molecules rise into the air above the pool as water vapor.

lifeguard standing next to a pool

Wind plays an important role in pool water evaporation. Wind increases the speed of evaporation by sweeping away the water vapor as it gathers over the pool.

In the absence of wind, the water vapor will hover above the pool like a blanket and will slow down the evaporation process. Wind removes this water vapor film and allows a new blanket to take its place.

Other factors that play a role in pool water evaporation are humidity, sunlight, and pool size & shape. Let’s take a look at how each of these impact pool water evaporation.


Temperature plays one of the most significant roles in the evaporation of water from a pool. As temperature increases, so too does the rate of evaporation. As water molecules in the pool absorb heat they become excited and begin to escape as water vapor.

Pools in dry hot climates that are exposed to direct sunlight experience the most water evaporation. The higher the temperature, the more heat, and the more water evaporates as water vapor. Note, pool water also evaporates in cooler climates but at a much lower rate.


Wind has a significant impact on how much water evaporates from a pool. Wind removes the humid air above the pool that contains water vapor and replaces it with dry air. This dry air then absorbs fresh water vapor from the pool surface. And this cycle repeats itself as wind sweeps away this humid air.

Pools situated in areas with little shelter experience the highest levels of wind evaporation. Windbreakers or walled enclosures are great ways of protecting a pool from the evaporative effects of wind.


Humidity plays a big role in how much water a pool loses to evaporation. The higher the level of humidity in the air, the lower the amount of evaporation that occurs. This is because humid air already contains a high level of moisture and has a reduced ability to absorb water vapor. On the other hand, dry air with low humidity is very effective at absorbing water vapor.


Exposure to direct sunlight is a contributing factor to pool water evaporation. Pools that are directly exposed to sunlight heat up more quickly than pools situated in shaded areas.


The size and shape of a pool plays a role in how it loses water to evaporation. Specifically, pools with a larger surface area experience the greatest level of evaporation.

Why is that?  Larger surface areas mean more water is exposed to direct sunlight and the movement of dry air. This speeds up the rate of evaporation. On the other hand, deep pools with relatively low surface areas experience less evaporation.


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What is pool water evaporation rate? Pool water evaporation rate is the rate at which pool water transforms to water vapor and leaves the pool in gaseous form. It results in a loss of water volume and can be noticed as the water level slowly falls. Pool water evaporation rate is calculated by measuring the change in water level over a time period.  And, it’s very simple – see below.

still swimming pool behind a house


Calculating pool evaporation rate is easy. All you have to do is measure the drop in water level over 24 hours and calculate the evaporation rate in inches per day. You can do this by marking the top of the water level with a piece of tape. Then, repeat the process 24 hours later.

The difference between the two marks indicates the drop in water level over those 24 hours. Repeat the process over a larger time period and calculate an average for a more accurate value. This gives you a pool evaporation rate average in inches per day.


• (Water Mark Day 1) – (Water Mark Day 2) = Evaporation Rate (inches)


How much water does a pool lose to evaporation? How much water evaporates from a pool each day?  A pool normally loses between 1/4 inch to 1 inch of water to evaporation each day. Pools located in hot, dry climates with a breeze and lots of sunlight will experience more evaporation than pools in cool, humid climates.

a pool of water

An average-sized rectangular pool measuring 16′ x 32′ feet with an average depth of 4 feet will lose 1 inch of water per day in a hot, dry, and sunny climate. A similar pool located in a milder climate with a greater level of humidity can expect to lose 1/4 inch of water per day. This is the normal evaporation for an average-sized pool based on climate conditions.


There are several methods you can use to reduce the rate of evaporation from a pool. Although it may not be possible to completely stop the evaporation process there are some simple steps you can take to greatly reduce it. Evaporation is a natural process and your aim should be to minimize it, not completely stop it.

woman sitting at edge of a pool

Use a Pool Cover

A pool cover is the best way to reduce water evaporation from a pool. When not in use, place a cover across the pool. A cover not only reduces evaporation but also keeps debris from falling into the pool. There is a range of cover types on the market. You can choose from solid, mesh, and automatic covers that operate using a timer.

Use a Windbreak

A windbreak is another great device for reducing pool water evaporation. A windbreak can include a row of trees, a hedge, a screen, or a wall. These create a physical barrier to prevailing wind and protect the pool surface from wind evaporation.

Lower Pool Temperature

You can reduce the rate of evaporation by lowering the temperature of the pool. If you have a heated pool, simply reduce the pool temperature by a couple of degrees. The cooler water will be more resistant to evaporation. If you have no temperature control, you can place a shade above the pool for a similar effect.

Reduce Pool Usage

Another effective method of reducing evaporation is to reduce pool usage. The more a pool is used, the greater the level of evaporation. Motion in the water facilitates the evaporation process by encouraging the escape of water vapor from the water’s surface.

Add a Pool Cover Liquid

A pool liquid cover is a chemical you can add to the pool that creates a liquid barrier on the surface of the pool. This cover reduces evaporation and performs in a similar way to a regular physical pool cover. Liquid covers are made from non-toxic substances and are safe to swim in.


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Have you considered a pool leak? It can be difficult to tell if a pool is losing water due to evaporation or a pool leak. If the pool is losing more than 1” inch per day you should investigate for the presence of a leak.

water droplets on a pool of water

How to Detect a Leak in a Pool

There are several methods you can use to detect a pool leak. The most popular are the dye test and bucket test. Below we cover all the methods available for detecting a pool leak.

Dye Test

This is one of the simplest and most effective methods of detecting a pool leak. Simply, turn off the pool pump and filtration system and add some food coloring to the pool. Then, stand back and observe the movement of the colored water. Is it moving towards a specific point? If it is, this is a clear sign of the presence of a leak.

Bucket Test

Grab a bucket and fill it with water. Place it next to the pool surface and mark the water level on side of the bucket. Also, mark the pool water level by pacing some tape on the side of the pool in line with the top of the watermark. Wait 24 hours. Then measure the drop in water level for the bucket and the pool. If the pool water has dropped more than the bucket level, there may be a leak.

Pool Equipment Inspection

Take a look at all the pool equipment. Inspect the water pump, pool filter, heater, and all pipework for signs of a leak or drip. If you find any, you’ve located the leak.

Listen For Sounds

If you have a big leak you should be able to hear some unusual sounds. Stand on the edge of the pool and listen out for unusual hissing or gurgling noises. These could be the noises of water leaving the pool unexpectedly.

Hire a Professional

If you’ve tried the above steps and cannot locate the source of the pool leak, it’s time to get a professional in. These people use specialized equipment to detect and locate pool leaks, including electronic high-precision listening devices to pinpoint water leaks.


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Top Tips for Mastering the Art of Water Cooler Chat

Looking for expert tips for mastering the art of water cooler chat and how to build relationships in the workplace? Below we cover everything you need to know, from how to break the ice and strike a good first impression, to topics that work well and those that should be avoided.

co workers chatting at water cooler

The water cooler is a common gathering point in the workplace. It’s somewhere we go to take a short break and grab a drink of water. But, it’s also a place you frequently bump into coworkers. And, it’s a place you need to engage and chat with your colleagues.

Chatting with coworkers comes naturally to some. But, for others, it’s a more difficult process. What should you talk about? What topics are appropriate? And, how do you get started? Below we take you through everything you need to know.

Water Cooler Chats – Better Communication in the Workplace

lady smiling and making a hand gesture

Want to get to something quickly?  Use the links below to jump to the content most important to you.

Expert Tips for Water Cooler Chats
Best Topics for Chats
Topics to be Avoided

Expert Tips for Mastering the Art of Water Cooler Chats at Work

1: Breaking the Ice – Smile!

The most important thing is a smile. Make sure you greet your co-worker with a smile and a warm greeting. First impressions are key and this is a great way to start. Nothing beats a smile when you first meet someone. A smile is a universal way of expressing warmth and friendliness.

2: Ask a Question

Ask an open-ended, general interest question that allows your colleague to share their thoughts. Asking a question expresses an interest in the other individual and encourages them to engage in conversation. And, an open-ended question encourages dialogue and discourages a yes-no answer.

3: Listen

workers smiling and chatting at a water cooler

Make a genuine effort to listen and show an interest in what they have to say on the topic. Listening shows you value their opinion and have a genuine interest in what they have to say. It develops a sense of trust and helps you build a connection with your co-worker.  Listening is key to mastering cooler chat.

4: Share Your Opinion

Once your coworker has finished making their point, share your opinion on the same topic. This shows you are interested in the subject they are talking about and allows the conversation to develop further. When sharing your opinion, remain respectful, avoid a negative tone, and keep it light.  Levity and brevity.

5: Positivity

Make an effort to keep the nature of the chat light and positive. Steer away from negative issues. Check out our topic guides below for a list of subjects you should aim for – and topics that should be avoided. Keeping the nature of the conversation positive helps develop trust.

6: Time

Time is another key factor when chatting in the workplace. While it is important to build morale and make connections with coworkers, you should also be mindful of the time you spend chatting. Keep it brief. Everyone has work to do and if you stand around chatting too long it will be viewed negatively.

7: Respect

This one is common sense. Always be respectful of the person you are talking with and the topics you are discussing. It’s important you maintain a comfortable, positive, and friendly demeanor throughout the brief conversation.


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Warm Water Before Bed

Best Topics for Water Cooler Conversations: How to Engage with Colleagues at Work


weather reporter presenting the weather

The weather is always an easy way to strike up a conversation. It’s an ever-popular topic of chat throughout the world. We’re all exposed to the weather so it has relevance regardless of who you are talking to. It allows us to bond over a shared experience.  And, a chance to vent about the intense heat or cold.


Sport is an excellent topic of conversation for bonding with co-workers. Not everyone shares an interest in sport. But for those that do, you’re on to a winner. Sport is one of the easiest and safest topics for discussion. It’s also a great way of developing a shared interest, developing a bond, and rarely causes offense.

Current Affairs and News

News and current affairs are one of the easiest ways to strike up a conversation at the office water cooler. It is the news after all – so most people will have an understanding of the topic. Our advice is to make sure you have a general understanding of world affairs and be able to hold a conversation on the subject. Try and avoid getting into politics or sensitive areas. And, avoid expressing strong or controversial personal views.

General Entertainment

General interest includes topics such as movies, TV series, books, shows, and music. Depending on your audience – general entertainment is one of the best ways of developing a conversation. It’s a broad topic that can be adapted to suit most interests.

Jokes (Clean & Appropriate)

Sharing clean and appropriate jokes and funny stories are a great way to lighten the mood and get people laughing. People love laughing. It releases feel-good chemicals and boosts mood. Just remember, when telling jokes in the workplace, be careful of who you are chatting with and avoid taboo subjects and unsuitable material.

Hobbies and Interests

Discussing your hobbies and interests with coworkers can help develop a connection. Especially if it is a shared interest. Chatting about hobbies is a great way of establishing common ground with other people in your office. It helps you understand what makes others tick and build connections.

Topics to Avoid at the Water Cooler: Keeping it Respectful & Professional

office workers chatting

Workplace Conflicts

It is not a good idea to discuss workplace conflicts at the water cooler. Doing so can cause tension and lead to further conflict. You need to keep things light and positive. And, workplace problems definitely do not fall into this category. Conflict should be discussed in an appropriate and private setting.

Sensitive Workplace Information

Discussing sensitive workplace information at the water cooler is unprofessional and is a breach of trust. It could even lead to a termination of employment. Water cooler conversations should be respectful, and light, and create a positive atmosphere.

Pay & Remuneration

Pay and remuneration are confidential topics and should definitely not be discussed at the water cooler. Chatting about pay and salary can trigger feelings of distrust and resentment. It can also deteriorate trust between co-workers, and between co-workers and management. Pay should only be discussed with your manager.

Religion & Politics

Religion and politics can be divisive topics of conversation. Whether standing at the water cooler or visiting friends for a dinner party – religion and politics are often off the agenda. Many people have sensitive feelings when it comes to both religion and politics. And, discussing them can unintentionally cause insult.


Nobody likes an office gossip. If you’ve heard some juicy gossip, it’s best to keep it to yourself. No matter how tempting it feels to share it at the office water cooler – you should resist the temptation. Steer clear of gossip and aim to build relationships and foster trust with your fellow co-workers.

Personal Issues

Avoid discussing personal issues with coworkers. Personal issues are not for general discussion and are not suitable as a light topic for conversation at the water cooler. People openly discussing personal issues with coworkers in the corridors may be seen as unprofessional.


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Pool Water Evaporation

How Long Before Bedtime Should You Stop Drinking Water?


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how much water does a camal drink

A camel drinks 30 gallons of water in 15 minutes. The amount of water a camel drinks depends on several factors, including how hot it is, how long its been since it last had a drink, and how hard it is working. But, a camel can drink 30 gallons of water in one go. Let’s take a closer look at how many gallons of water can a camel drink.


A thirsty camel can drink 30 gallons of water in just fifteen minutes. That works out to 113 liters of water for our European friends. The amount of water a camel drinks depends on the individual camel, its environment, and the amount of fat in its hump. More on humps later.

camels walking over a sand dune

Modern camels were domesticated by humans over 3,000 years ago. They have been used for centuries to help transport goods and people across harsh desert environments. Camels can go long periods without food and water and are known as the ships of the desert.

There are two types of camels – dromedary and Bactrian. Dromedary camels are also known as Arabian camels and make up 90% of all camels in the world today. These camels have been domesticated and are found in the Middle East and northern Africa. They are recognizable by their single large hump on their back.

Bactrian camels are found in Asia and can be easily recognized by the two large humps they have on their back. Below we cover everything you need to know about how many gallons of water does a camel drink.


A camel can go 7-10 days without drinking water. And, they can go months without eating any food. Camels are incredibly robust animals when it comes to surviving in the absence of water. The blood cells of camels are specially adapted to maximize their water consumption efficiency.

desert oasis

Camels have oval-shaped blood cells. This cell shape allows the blood to flow freely even when the body begins to become dehydrated. This special cell structure plays a large part in enabling a camel to go such long periods without food or water. They have even been known to suffer 40% body weight loss and continue to function in harsh conditions.


A camel can drink 20 gallons of water in 10 minutes. And, it can consume an impressive 30 gallons in just 15 minutes. That works out at an incredible 10 gallons every 5 minutes. Thirsty camels drink very large quantities and retain the fluid in their bodies to enable them to endure long periods without water.

water pouring into a pool of water

The amount of water a camel will drink in 10 minutes will depend on how thirsty it is. And this is influenced by its current level of hydration, its environment, and how much work it has been doing. But, the thirstiest of camels can drink 20 gallons in just 10 minutes.


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picture of a camels face

A camel can drink 30 gallons of water at one time. If a camel has not had a drink in a long time, up to one week, it can drink a staggering 30 gallons of water in one go. The oval shape of the camel’s blood cells allows them to consume more water than other animals of a similar size. The oval cells have an elastic nature and change shape to allow them absorb larger volumes of water compared to normal blood cells.


a drop of water falling into a pool of water

A camel’s hump doesn’t hold any water. It is a common misconception that a camel uses its hump to store water. In fact, there is no water in a camel’s hump – only fat. Camels store water in their bloodstream. Their oval-shaped blood cells expand and change shape to allow for the absorption of large volumes of water.  They can hold up to 30 gallons of water at a time.


What is a camel’s hump for then? A camel uses its hump to store fat. This is a source of food and nourishment when times get tough and food is scarce. When a camel runs out of food it begins to consume the fat in its hump to keep it going.

camel in the desert 2

When this happens the hump begins to shrink and tip over. When the camel gets a chance to eat again and replenish its fat levels the hump returns. The fat deposits sit on the camel’s back instead of around its belly to help protect it from the heat of the sun.


This is a question we often get when discussing – How Many Gallons of Water Can a Camel Drink. Camels don’t pee as often as other mammals. But when they do, they pee a yellow-orange colored pee. It’s made up of wastewater and toxins that have been removed from the body by the kidneys. Camel pee is highly concentrated and contains very little water relative to its electrolyte and waste product content.

camel smiling at camera

Camels that have restricted access to water will pee less. These camels pee just 0.2 gallons of pee per day. And, camels that have regular access to water will pee much more frequently – up to 1.3 gallons per day.

So, there’s a big difference in the amount of pee depending on how much water the camel has been drinking. The sex of the camel also plays a part in determining how often the animal pees per day. Male camels pee a little more frequently than female camels – usually 10-12 times per day.

Camels are incredibly efficient at retaining water once they drink it.  Their blood cells change shape and expand to allow them to store large volumes of water in their bloodstream. But just like all other mammals, they need to pee at some stage to remove toxins from the body.


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test ph of water color codes

How to use pH test strip – just dip it in your test sample, wait 15 seconds, and allow the indicator to change color. Once the color has changed compare it against your color chart to find the pH value of your test sample. It’s that simple.



A pH test strip is a cheap and effective tool you can use at home to measure the pH of your water supply. They are small strips of paper that use a color code to indicate the pH of a solution.

lady making a hand gesture and smiling

They are easy to use, cost-effective, and give quick clear results. PH stips are made from a special type of paper – sometimes called litmus paper.

One tip of the paper has color-coded patches that change color when emersed in a solution. The resultant colors can be checked against a color chart to determine the pH of your water supply.


Using a pH test strip is easy. All you need to do is remove a strip from the packet, immerse it in your test solution, and then wait for 15 seconds for the color change to take effect.

ph test kit

It’s a very straightforward process and you will know the pH of your water in seconds. See below for simple step-by-step instructions on how to use a pH test strip.


The first step in ‘how to use ph test strip’ is to get your water sample ready. Grab a clean glass and add some of the water you want to test. You don’t need a large volume, just enough to dip the end of the test strip into.


Carefully remove a test strip from the packet. PH test strips usually come in small plastic tubs. There will be quite a few in there. Just be careful to only handle the end of the strip that does not have the color indicator.


Dip the color-coded tip of the strip into your water sample. Make sure you submerge all the color patches. The number of color patches varies depending on the strips being used but there are usually 2 to 4.


Remove the water pH test strip from your sample and lay it down on a flat surface. We like to use a piece of clean dry kitchen paper. This way it will soak up any excess water.


Now you have to wait 15 seconds to allow the reaction to occur. You will see the color indicator changing color. The change can happen very rapidly but you should wait 15 seconds to be sure the indicator has finished adjusting color.


The last step involves reading the result. All you have to do is compare the colors on the end of your test strip against the color chart provided. The chart should be on the outside of the packaging or may be included in a pamphlet inside the container.


Most pH indicators come with at least two color patches. You will need to find the corresponding result on the color chart that matches your strip. This often involves looking at a two or three color code combination.


Now you have your result, what does it mean? The pH scale runs from 0 to 14. A score of 7 is neutral. If your water scored 7, this means it is neither acidic nor alkaline. It is neutral and sits right in the middle.

Anything below 7 is acidic and anything above 7 means you have alkaline water. You can use these test strips to test your regular water supply or to test water from an alkaline water machine to see if it is working as designed.


How do you read a water pH test strip? A pH test strip uses litmus paper that changes color to tell you if you have acidic or alkaline water. Once you dip the strip in your water sample it will begin to change color.

using ph test strip colors

Just allow 15 seconds for the color change to take effect and then compare it against the color chart provided with the kit. All you need to do is hold it against the color chart and match it to the colors that most closely resemble your result.

Most pH test strips have more than one color patch. The majority of strips we use have anything from 2 to 4. But 2 color patches are the most common.

The easiest way to read the pH test strip is to hold it up against the color chart and move it along until the two-color patches match a color on the reference chart. Then read the corresponding pH value from the chart.


Testing your drinking water with a pH strip involves the same method as testing any other sample of water. Just prepare a clean dry glass and add a sample of your drinking water.

glass of ionized alkaline water

Then follow the steps outlined above to perform the pH test. Dip the litmus test paper in your sample, wait 15 seconds, and then read your result. If you score above 7, then you have alkaline water.




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A pH test strip color chart is used to determine the result of your pH test. The color chart is usually printed on the outside of the container. Or, it may be included inside the packet in a small pamphlet.

deionized water

The colors range from yellow and pale orange for acidic results to dark orange, green, and even dark blue for acidic results.

Every pH test strip kit is different so you will need to refer to the color chart for your specific kit. But don’t worry they are easy to read and you will have a clear result in seconds.


PH test strips work by changing color. They use a technology called litmus paper. When litmus paper is dipped into a solution it changes color to show how acidic or alkaline the solution is.

They are regularly used in homes to test the acidity/alkalinity of water, urine, and saliva. Litmus paper uses a water-soluble mixture of dyes that change color when exposed to an acid or alkaline substance.

The resultant color can then be read against a chart to determine the pH level of the substance. They are a cheap and relatively accurate way of testing the pH of a solution.

frequently asked questions


You can buy drinking water ph test strips online or in most pharmacies. You can pick up a pack for between $5 to $10. All the big pharmacies carry them, most of the small ones, and you can even find them at your local supermarket.


The color of a pH test strip will change once it is dipped in a test solution. The colors you can expect to see are pale yellow, dark yellow, pale orange, dark orange, pale green, dark green, pale blue, and dark blue.  Each of these corresponds to a specific pH value.


PH test strips are relatively inexpensive. A pack of 50 strips will set you back between $5 – $10 US dollars.  The best advice is to shop around when using pH test strips at home.





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cup of coffee made using alkaline water

Is alkaline water good in coffee? Yes, alkaline water is great for coffee – it makes it taste better! Alkaline water extracts more flavor from coffee beans and makes a much better-tasting cup of coffee. For the best tasting coffee use alkaline water with a pH of up to 8.5. The science is there to prove it.


Yes, alkaline water is great for making coffee. If you like coffee, you’ll love alkaline water. Like Bonnie and Clyde, when you put the two together they form a potent couple.

water pouring into a pool of water

Alkaline water intensifies the aroma and flavor of coffee. Its alkaline properties perfectly complement the natural acidity of coffee.

Coffee is an acidic compound and the addition of alkaline water balances the acidity to enhance the taste and bring the subtle flavors to the fore.


Alkaline water increases the flavor of coffee. Alkaline water extracts more flavor from the coffee beans compared to regular water and creates a more fragrant beverage.

And the science is there to prove it. A study by the University of New South Wales found that using alkaline water improved the flavor extracted from coffee beans.

They concluded that water with a pH of 7.0-8.5 resulted in the most flavor extraction and the best tasting cup of coffee.  You can make alkaline water at home using an alkaline water machine.


Alkaline water improves the taste, enhances the aroma, and neutralizes the natural acidity of coffee. It is a great choice of water for making coffee – and if you haven’t tried it yet, you should give it a go.

coffee cup on a table

For the best results, choose an alkaline water with a pH of between 7 and 8.5. The pH scale runs from 0 to 14, and anything above 7 is alkaline.

Using alkaline water to brew your coffee takes the edge off its strong acidity levels and allows you better appreciate the complex flavors and aromas of the coffee bean.  Think of it like adding a little water to whiskey.

To truly appreciate the aroma of a high-end aged whiskey you need to add a little water to ‘loosen’ the flavors.  Alkaline water acts as the perfect counterbalance to the sharp acidity of a regular coffee.

It’s a real treat for your taste buds.  Check out our full guide to the Benefits of Alkaline Waterover here.


Coffee is a naturally acidic drink. It has a pH of 4.7-5.0 depending on the beans and brewing technique used. Anything below 7 on the pH scale is an acidic compound.

glass of alkaline water in the forest

Coffee contains a wide range of acids, but the main players are chlorogenic, citric, malic, quinic, phosphoric, linoleic, and acetic acid. Alkaline water helps ‘balance out’ this acidity.


Chlorogenic acid is the most prominent acid found in coffee. It’s also what gives coffee some of its best flavors. It is found in higher concentrations in light roast coffee. It is a type of phenolic acid and may play a role in glucose regulation.


This is another acid that is present in high quantities in coffee. It adds a pleasant fruity flavor to the coffee – an aroma that is favored by many. It is highly soluble and readily passes from the bean to water during the brewing process.


Malic acid imparts a fruity flavor to the coffee similar to apples and plums. It is depleted during the roasting process – so the darker the roast the lower the malic acid content.


Quinic acid is formed when chlorogenic acid is broken down during the roasting process. It is most noticeable in brewed coffee that has been left sitting on the heater too long and imparts a sour unpleasant taste.


Phosphoric acid makes up less than 1% of a cup of coffee. However, it is one of the most potent acids found in coffee. And, it has no taste. It adds nothing to the flavor. It is believed phosphoric acid originates from the hydrolysis of phytic acid in the soil.


Linoleic acid is a fatty acid. It is found in coffee in very low concentrations. The levels of linoleic acid in coffee are affected by the soil type and altitude at which the bean is grown. Linoleic acid is part of the omega-6 fatty acid family and is used to boost heart and blood health.


Acetic acid is best known for the sharp bitter taste it gives to vinegar. It is found in coffee in low doses and gives it a sharp refreshing flavor. If the level of acetic acid is too high in a coffee it suffers an unpleasant vinegary taste.


Top Under Sink Reverse Osmosis Water Filters

Counter Top Reverse Osmosis Filters

Tips For Mastering the Art of Water Cooler Chat

How To Use a pH Test Strip

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Difference Between Alkaline & Filtered Water

frequently asked questions


Does Alkaline Water Make Coffee Taste Better?

Yes, alkaline water makes coffee taste better. Alkaline water extracts more flavor from the coffee bean compared to regular water. This results in a better-tasting cup of coffee.

Does Using Alkaline Water Make Coffee Less Acidic?

Yes, using alkaline water instead of regular water makes your cup of coffee less acidic. Coffee is naturally acidic with a pH of 4.7-5.0. When you add alkaline water to your coffee it increases its pH and brings it closer to the neutral value of 7.

Can You Make Coffee With Alkaline Water?

Yes, you can make coffee with alkaline water. Making coffee with alkaline water is a great idea. It will boost the flavor of your brew and help neutralize its natural acidity.  We recommend it.

What Does Coffee With Alkaline Water Taste Like?

It tastes great. Studies have shown that coffee made using alkaline water has more flavor. Alkaline water increases the amount of flavor and aroma that is extracted from the coffee bean.

What’s The Best Water pH For Coffee?

The best water pH for coffee is 7.0-8.5. According to a study performed by the University of New South Wales in Australia, using water with a pH of 7.0-8.5 extracts the best flavor from coffee beans.



How To Test Water Hardness

Can Water Be Too Pure For Drinking?

Ionized Water vs Deionized Water

Water Softener vs. Water Filter?

Pros & Cons of Reverse Osmosis Water

Are There Minerals in Tap Water?

Pros & Cons of an Alkaline Water Pitcher


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ionized water in a glass

What’s the difference between a water filter and a water softener?  A water softener and a water filter are two very different devices.  A water softener reduces the hardness of water by removing dissolved calcium and magnesium. While a water filter purifies water by removing contaminants such as microbes and heavy metals.


lady drinking ionized water

No, a water softener and water filter are two different devices that perform two different roles. A water softener is used to soften hard water – and a water filter is used to purify water by removing contaminants.  So, what’s the Difference Between a Water Softener & a Water Filter?


A water softener is a device that reduces the hardness of water. Water hardness is caused by the presence of dissolved calcium and magnesium in your water source.  A water softener removes these dissolved minerals as the water passes through it and ‘softens’ the hard water.

water ionization

Water becomes hard naturally as it passes through the earth and comes into contact with rocks. As it brushes against the rocks it absorbs calcium and magnesium. It is the accumulation of these materials that makes water hard.

Hard water has no negative impact on your health. Drinking it is not bad for you. In fact, it may be healthier than soft water due to its high mineral content.

However, it causes difficulty around the house – negatively affecting plumbing, kitchen appliances, and even laundry.  This is why many people install a water softening device to reduce the hardness of their water source.


A water softener uses a mechanical process called ‘ion exchange’ to soften hard water. Hard water is funneled through an ion exchange chamber and emerges the other end as softened water.

So, what exactly is an ‘ion exchange’ and how does it work?  An ion exchange is simply a chamber that has been tightly packed with specially designed resin beads that hold an electrical charge.

When hard water flows through the chamber it brushes up against these beads making physical contact. The electrical charge of the beads attracts dissolved calcium and magnesium towards them and then locks them in place.

The water then emerges from the softener with a reduced level of calcium and magnesium. By reducing the level of calcium and magnesium minerals the water is softened.

The process uses sodium to create the electrical charge and remove the dissolved minerals. So, the downside to using a water softener is increased levels of sodium in your water.


A water filter is a device that improves the purity of water by removing contaminants such as particles, microbes, heavy metals, pesticides, and other chemicals.  Water filters are used to provide clean water for many uses, including – agriculture, commercial industry, and public drinking water.

glass of ionized water sitting on a rock

They can use any combination of four methods to remove contaminants from a water source – sieving, adsorption, ion exchanges, and biofilms.

In the home setting, there are four main types of filters to choose from – mechanical filters, absorption filters, reverse osmosis filters, and sequestration filters.

The most popular type is an absorption filter called an activated carbon filter. Activated carbon filters are great for removing chemical pollutants, microbes, and particulates.

The best water ionizing machines and alkaline water pitchers come with an activated carbon filter installed.  Check out the best ionized water filters of 2024 – click here.


young family enjoying fresh filtered water

Each of the five domestic water filter types work in a different way.


Mechanical water filters are the simplest of all. They use a physical barrier to remove sediment and suspended particles. They take the form of a mesh or a ceramic structure that physically blocks objects as the water passes through.


Absorption filters work differently. They usually use activated carbon – a substance that has an enormous surface area. As water passes through the absorption filter it moves through a maze of contact areas.

Contaminants bind to the carbon and are held in place as the water moves through. Most domestic absorption water filters use granular activated carbon, ‘GAC’. It is an excellent filter choice for removing unpleasant tastes and odors.


Reverse osmosis (RO) filters are used to remove dissolved inorganic solids from a water source. It uses a semipermeable membrane to remove contaminants.

Reverse osmosis is a highly efficient method of filtering water and achieves great results. It is often used in combination with other filter types to achieve the highest level of water purity.


These filters work by chemically isolating a substance. They are not as popular as absorption filters and rarely seen in domestic appliances. They use polyphosphate to sequester calcium and magnesium minerals to reduce limescale and corrosion.

However, they do not reduce the ‘hardness of the water. To reduce water hardness a water softening device should be used.



Water Softener vs. Water Filter FAQ

frequently asked questions

Which Is Better – A Water Softener Or A Water Filter?

It depends on what you are trying to do. If you have hard water and want to soften it – use a water softener. If you are concerned about the purity of your water source and want to purify it to remove contaminants – use a water filter.

Does a Water Softener Filter Water?

No, a water softener does not filter water. It is used to soften water.  That means it reduces its level of hardness.  To achieve this it removes dissolved calcium and magnesium but it does not filter out harmful contaminants such as microbes, chemicals, or suspended particles.

Does A Water Filter Soften Hard Water?

No, a water filter does not soften hard water. A water filter cleanses water by removing harmful pollutants such as microbes, chemicals, and suspended particles. Water filters are used to create clean safe water for industry, agriculture, and public use.  To soften water you need to use a specialist water softening device.









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