Warm Water Before Bedtime – Good Idea or Bad Idea?

woman in bed holding a glass of warm water

Drinking warm water before bedtime has been a popular practice for centuries thanks to its many health benefits. Drinking warm water before sleep promotes relaxation, improves digestion, and boosts detoxification. However, there are some potential drawbacks, such as disrupted sleep and digestive issues. This article covers all you need to know about the advantages and potential side effects of drinking warm water before going to bed.

Drinking Warm Water Before Bedtime

Drinking warm water before bedtime has been a long-standing tradition around the world, especially in Eastern cultures such as China and Japan. The understanding that warm water has many health benefits has been carefully passed down through the generations. In recent times, science is beginning to back up these longstanding beliefs.

man drinking a glass of warm water

Warm water before bedtime has a calming effect on the body that promotes relaxation and prepares the body and mind for a restful night’s sleep. It is also believed to stimulate blood flow and helps aid better digestion. And, warm water is often consumed for its potential to help the body cleanse itself and flush out toxins.

However, it is important to weigh up the pros and the cons of drinking warm water at night and understand that the practice is not for everybody.  Want to get to something quickly? Use the links in the menu below.

Benefits of Drinking Warm Water Before Sleep

What are the benefits of drinking warm water before sleep? Below we take a look at the many advantages of drinking warm water before bedtime.

woman drinking warm water in bed

Enhances Relaxation

Drinking warm water is well known to aid relaxation. It helps calm the mind and reduce anxiety. A quick warm drink is a great way to prepare for bed and to help you unwind. Factoring some warm water into your bedtime routine is a great way to boost your chances of getting a restful sleep.

Aids Digestion

A glass of warm water aids digestion by helping break down food contained within the digestive tract. This process helps relieve constipation and relieve digestive problems. Your digestive system slows down at night and can do with a little helping hand in getting the job done.

Promotes Detoxification

Warm water plays a key role in assisting the body’s natural detoxification process. Detoxification is a vital process that promotes healthy organ function and prevents illness by removing toxins from the body.

When you consume hot water it raises body temperature and boosts blood circulation. It also stimulates sweat. Increased blood flow and sweat allow the body to flush unwanted chemicals and pollutants from the body.

Boosts Hydration

woman drinking a glass of freshly filtered water

Your body must replenish lost fluids by consuming liquids – especially water. Drinking warm water at night hydrates your body and tops up your water levels just before you call it a night. This helps maintain healthy hydration levels while you sleep and keeps you feeling comfortable and healthy.

Improves Mood

Drinking water is well associated with an improved mood. If you are thirsty and quench your thirst you feel much better. Not just physically, but mentally too. Hydration is key to mental health and a positive mood. Better hydration levels and mood lead to better sleep.

Relieves Headaches

Drinking warm water can help relieve a headache. If you find yourself suffering a headache – why not reach for a drink of warm water? It may provide the relief you need to help you drift off to sleep when you climb into bed. Hot drinks are also known to relieve sinus pain and nasal congestion.

Weight Loss

Drinking warm water before bed may help promote weight loss. As we’ve discussed above, warm water helps stimulate your digestive system. This encourages the breakdown and passing of food. And, as your digestive system slows to a near standstill during the night – a helping hand can go a long way. By promoting digestion, warm water before bed may help reduce body weight.

What Are the Side Effects of Drinking Warm Water at Night?

What are the disadvantages of drinking hot water at night? Below we discuss the possible drawbacks and why warm water before sleep is not a good idea for everyone.

warm water in a glass

Interrupted Sleep

If you drink too much warm water you may have to make frequent trips to the bathroom during the night. This leads to interrupted sleep and can leave you feeling tired and drowsy the next day. To avoid regular bathroom trips and low-quality sleep you should limit the amount of warm water you drink before bedtime.

Stomach Issues

People with sensitive stomachs should avoid drinking hot drinks before going to bed. For some, warm water can trigger cramps, bloating, and diarrhea. Other individuals find it can trigger acid reflux – an unpleasant and painful condition where stomach acid travels upwards through the esophagus.

Loss of Electrolytes

Drinking too much water can lead to an electrolyte imbalance. This happens when someone consumes too much water and not enough electrolytes from food sources. The excess volume of water flushes important electrolytes from the body. These need to be restored as soon as possible as part of a healthy diet.

Nutrient Absorption

lady drinking glass of water and smiling

Hot water can reduce the absorption of nutrients from your food. Your body absorbs nutrients during the digestive process by breaking down food using little molecules called enzymes. However, hot water can disrupt these enzymes and limit their ability to extract nutrients.

Night Sweats

Do you suffer from night sweats? When you drink warm water it raises body temperature, boosts blood flow, and can trigger sweating. If you have a problem with night sweats – a hot drink before bedtime may not be a good idea. Maybe, stick to a cold glass of water for better results.

Accidental Scalding

When you drink a hot drink, such as warm water, there’s always a chance of scalding. If you drop your cup or have an accidental spill you could suffer a scalding. The best advice is to drink warm water, not hot water. Aim for a temperature that is pleasant to drink but won’t scald should an accident occur.

Sleep Apnea

There is evidence to suggest that drinking warm water before sleeping can aggravate sleep apnea. If you suffer from sleep apnea you should avoid drinking warm water before bedtime. Consult a medical professional for further advice.


Tips for Drinking Warm Water

Want to try drinking some water before bedtime? Here are some tips for how to get started and how to establish a healthy warm water routine.

man drinking a glass of water

Start Small

If you’re new to drinking warm water before bed, start small and gradually work your way up. A small cup with just half a cup or 4 oz of warm water is a good start.

Grab a Thermal Cup

A thermal cup is great for keeping the water warm. If you want to sip the warm water rather than guzzle it all in one go, try using a thermal cup.

Try Some Flavor

If the taste of warm water is not appealing to you, try adding some flavor. A slice of lemon, a squeeze of honey, and even a little ginger all work wonders.

Timing is Key

Try and drink the warm water at least 30 minutes before going to bed. This allows your body time to absorb it and prevent bloating or discomfort.

Develop a Routine

Once you’ve mastered the steps above, try and make it a routine. Establish a habit of preparing and drinking warm water before climbing into bed.

Stick With It

If you want to truly experience the benefits of drinking warm water you need to stick with it. It can take weeks or even months before you really begin to feel the positive effects.



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Sam Kemper

Water Filtration Specialist Sam joined the Pure Water Ions team in the fall of 2021. He is a graduate of the University of Oregon where he qualified with a BSc in Earth Sciences. He has over 10 years of experience in the water filtration industry and specializes in multi-stage water filtration devices. Sam likes to spend his time hiking, fishing, and exploring the great outdoors.  When he's not writing about the latest water filtration technologies he likes to explore Marys Peak in Benton County with his trusty Ford Bronco and German Sheperd Max. [e] sam.kemper@purewaterions.com [t] 503-232-4012 ext. 103 [a] S. Kemper, PWI, 2170D SE 8th Ave, Portland, OR 97214, USA

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